1. **基本规则**
- 两人轮流下棋,黑子先手。
- 目标:连通五个同色棋子(横向、纵向或斜向)。
- 禁止跳跃落子。
2. **游戏模式**
- **人机对战**:与电脑对战,难度可选。
- **双人对战**:玩家之间对战,默认黑子先手。
3. **核心功能**
- **悔棋**:最多支持十步悔棋。
- **提示**:显示当前局势的可能连五点。
- **保存与加载**:可保存对局,随时恢复游戏进度。
4. **高级功能**
- **AI难度选择**:提供多种难度级别。
- **棋局分析**:自动标记最佳落子位置。
- **全局提示**:显示所有可能的连五点。
5. **更新日志**
**v1.2.0 版本更新**
- 新增视频教程,帮助玩家快速上手。
- 优化游戏界面,提升用户体验。
- 修复已知Bug,增强稳定性。
### 中英文对照
**Game Features**
1. **Basic Rules**
- Two players take turns, with black stones moving first.
- Objective: Connect five stones of the same color in a row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal).
- Jumping moves are not allowed.
2. **Game Modes**
- **Human vs Computer**: Play against the computer with adjustable difficulty levels.
- **Two-Player Mode**: Play against another player, with black stones moving first by default.
3. **Core Features**
- **Regret Move**: Up to ten regret moves are supported.
- **Hint**: Displays possible winning points on the board.
- **Save & Load**: Save your game progress and resume at any time.
4. **Advanced Features**
- **AI Difficulty Selection**: Multiple difficulty levels available for computer opponents.
- **Game Analysis**: Automatically marks the best move positions.
- **Global Hint**: Shows all possible winning points on the board.
5. **Update Log**
**v1.2.0 Version Update**
- Added video tutorials to help players get started quickly.
- Optimized game interface for a better user experience.
- Fixed known bugs and improved stability.